Bitcoin Terminology: Making Sense of the Jargon
Have you ever had trouble understanding the terminology around bitcoin & lightning?
This slide deck offers basic definitions of the most important pieces that will help you make sense of the jargon.
Simple and clean visuals, perfect for big screens and conference talks.
Use these slides in your own blogs, explainer articles, and presentations. Just don't charge people for them!
- Bitcoin
- Lightning Network
- Nostr (JUST ADDED)
Years pass and I’m always impressed how simple u make bitcoin looking -@RD_optimistic
Whoa! That’s amazing. So simple and fundamental. -@ironwoodreserve
This has helped so much. Very simple and useful to educate new ones. -@MoheetKamat
This is one of the best explanation out there with visuals! Thank you. -@MarlinTrades
Great for beginners! I will use these slides. -@ThomasJaeger
Really enjoyed this. -@numtidumpty
Fantastic. -@CryptoJerkstore
Korean by AtomicBTC
German by BitsofKnowledge
Russian by Alexander
Italian by Loop
Vietnamese by Anh
About the Author
Anil is an educator and angel investor within the bitcoin ecosystem.
He produces content for visual learners. Follow him on Twitter for more content like this.
Anil is also the author of the 2023 bestseller: The Bitcoin Handbook.
Slide Deck + Bonus Section: Lightning Basics